How authorities start looking into crimes
The Internal Revenue Service’s Criminal Investigation Division looks into possible violations of the Internal Revenue Code, the Bank Secrecy Act, and several laws against money laundering. The results of these investigations are sent to the Department of Justice, so possible charges can be made.
How the IRS gets into touch
Most of the time, the IRS starts working with taxpayers by sending them regular mail through the United States Postal Service. However, the IRS will call or visit a home or business in certain situations, such as:
– When a person owes money to the IRS
– When they get a late tax return or an employment tax that hasn’t been paid, or
– When they look at a company, for example, as part of an audit or while investigating a crime.
Even in all of these situations, taxpayers will sometimes get more than one letter in the mail from the IRS. These letters are also called notifications sometimes.
Why the IRS looks into criminal cases
There are multiple reasons why the IRS might want to go after a taxpayer. Here are some of the most common reasons why the IRS might do a criminal investigation.
– Failure to pay on purpose
– Making false claims
– You have to pay more taxes
– Try to get out of paying taxes
– Tax Avoidance
– Avoiding Tax Evasion
– Choosing not to keep records
– The Bankruptcy Scam
– There is fraud in the gaming business
– Fraud in insurance or health care
– Laundering of funds
– Doubtful Tax Refunds
Signs that you might be being looked into
Even if it completely catches you by surprise, there are a few red flags that may let you know that a criminal investigation is being done on you. Here are some of the most common signs that something is wrong:
– Your bank tells you that the United States Attorney’s Office or the CID has asked for your records (IRS Criminal Investigation Division). If this is happening to you, talk to a tax lawyer as soon as possible.
– If you are being pressured by an IRS agent immediately, they suddenly stop calling you. Instead, they might be on their way to tell a CID agent about your case.
Your family, friends, or coworkers have been asked to speak up for you.
– The IRS is auditing you, and suddenly, they stop contacting you. When a case is sent to the CID, it is put on “hold” so the patient doesn’t get in danger.
– A CID agent contacts you by phone or at your workplace. Please do not supply any information or paperwork or answer any questions unless you have a lawyer with you.
If you find any of the following, you should immediately call an expert IRS tax attorney to discuss your options. At this point, you can only work with an IRS lawyer since anything you say or do with your accountant could be used against you. On the other hand, what you say to your tax attorney is between the two of you.
Official visits from IRS employees may come up out of the blue.
The IRS may pay formal or unannounced visits to discuss taxes owed or due returns as part of an audit or investigation. Taxpayers will get a letter or notice in the mail from the IRS. If a person owes taxes to the federal government, the IRS will want full payment, but there are many ways to pay.
All IRS agents will always show the proper identification, which includes a pocket commission and an aHSPD-12 card. The HSPD-12 card is a government standard for identification that they can check for federal employees and contractors. People have the right to look at these documents. In addition, workers at the IRS may be able to offer a different way to prove who you are. For example, they might give you a toll-free phone number for employee verification if you ask.
All IRS employees will always show their official ID, often called a “pocket commission,” and collection workers will never ask for immediate payment to a source other than the “U.S. Treasury.”
What are my options under the law?
Publication 1 tells you your rights as a taxpayer and how to check, appeal, collect, and get a refund. These rights include:
– The right to be treated with respect and professionalism by IRS employees.
– When it comes to tax problems, people have the right to privacy and secrecy.
– The right to know why the IRS wants information, how it plans to use it, and what will happen if the information is not given.
-The right to be represented by oneself or someone else who has been permitted to do so.
– The ability to take a problem to court or the IRS.
What if you disagree with the results of the audit?
You can ask to meet with a manager at the IRS. You can also file an appeal with the IRS if there is enough time left on the statute of limitations.
You can talk to a lawyer if you need or want help with an IRS audit or reconsideration. You can hire an attorney, a certified public accountant (CPA), or an enrolled agent to help you deal with the IRS. Tax experts such as Ideal Tax might be able to help you get the best possible result from your audit and may help you qualify for relief from back taxes. Don’t forget the following:
– Taxpayers have the right to choose a person approved by the IRS to talk on their behalf with the IRS.
– Taxpayers who have to meet with the IRS can send someone else in their place. For example, taxpayers who hire lawyers don’t have to show up in person until the IRS sends them a formal summons.
The IRS must stop the interview when a taxpayer wants to talk to a representative, like an attorney, CPA, or enrolled agent.
– Before the IRS can inform you about your case, any attorney, CPA, enrolled agent, enrolled actuary, or other person authorized to represent a taxpayer. This representation happens before the IRS (who has not been disbarred or suspended from practicing before the IRS) must submit a signed written Power of Attorney to represent a taxpayer.
– Before you hire a tax professional, you should look into their credentials and skills. You can also use the IRS Directory to find tax experts who now have professional certifications that the IRS recognizes.