What You Should Never Write to a Girl to Get a Second Date With Her

Online dating is like a minefield. Have you finally transferred your acquaintance to real life? Do you think you’re already at the finish line? If you don’t want to screw up and ruin a fateful acquaintance, learn the rules of digital etiquette. Moreover, you will have to adhere to this etiquette both before the first meeting offline and after.

According to a new study, 84% of respondents are somehow not satisfied with the messages that their partners send them. Do you know what irritates most mail order brides at the early stages of dating? Reticence. When your interlocutor asks you a bunch of questions, and you selectively answer one of them, completely ignoring the rest. 40% of the people surveyed agree with this. In total, about five hundred respondents over the age of 25 participated in the survey.

If you’ve just started dating (first, second, third date), it is natural that your partner wants to know more about you. And if for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer an overly personal (in your opinion) question, say so directly. But don’t play a “quiet” game.

No Margin for Error

Other research results that also deserve your attention:

  • 35% of respondents hate receiving too many messages;
  • 34% can’t stand when they are sent a bunch of selfies of questionable quality;
  • 39% are ready to stop communicating with a person if they abuse the emoji.

To Write or Not to Write — That’s the Question…

Another important question is how fast should you respond to messages? Wait for a while or respond to a message with lightning speed, if possible? A third of respondents admitted that they do not like it when they have to wait for a long time for an answer. So, do not overdo the game in a “super-busy personality.” Otherwise, your potential partner will quickly find a replacement.

If to speak about couples who are in a long-term relationship, then everything is individual. Some of them are ready to exchange messages every five minutes. Others check the messages once or twice a day and do not see anything wrong with resting from each other. The majority is in favor of communicating on-topic — 63% of the respondents prefer one heart-to-heart conversation to a bunch of meaningless messages.

By the way, women are much more sensitive to illiterate writing. A man who speaks and writes poorly in his native language is unlikely to receive the attention of the opposite sex.

Emoji of Contention

The results of the survey are shown below. The percentage indicates the number of people who voted for a particular option. Six things that will ruin your chances of a date:

  • ignoring the questions, selective response — 40%;
  • the abundance of messages — 35%;
  • dubious selfies — 34%;
  • long-term ignoring of messages — 33%;
  • illiteracy — 32%;
  • diminutive nicknames — 28%.

And do not say we did not warn you.