Halloween is not happening until October to November 2021, but there are already online stores and retailers that offer the best vouchers, perks, discounts and more. Let us get to know the best Halloween ideas that will entice you even during the COVID-19 pandemic here in this piece.
Halloween Ideas During The COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 situation has urged several holidays to tone down on their celebrations, more often than not, lessening the social events to follow the health protocols. This includes Halloween celebrations. Yet, the tradition lives on and there are alternatives you can practice to celebrate the occasion even with the pandemic.
1. Spend more on DIY decorations
You are more likely to stay at home while the world battles the COVID-19 situation. Go big when it comes to DIY or do-it-yourself decorations. Start to build the anticipation for the Halloween by making your décor a spectacular entity. Immerse your children into creating these crafts, such as devising paper chains in the mailbox, lights for the doors, and constructing paper silhouettes for the windows.
What are more of the Halloween ideas you can adapt? Read on.
2. Make your Halloween a Netflix movie night
When you cannot go out for trick-or-treating, choose to create the perfect scenario. Turn on the television and gather your family for a Netflix movie night. You can even wear your costumes, and munch on popcorns or chocolates while watching the movies. Binge-watch. Get the family involved in choosing what films or TV shows to watch.
3. Get fit with a Halloween-themed dance
It could be the big bonding that you and your family can find themselves into. Workout with the best dance moves. Spend your Halloween learning routines and exercising together with the whole family. It does not matter if you are not into dancing. What matters the most is you can bond together with your loved ones. You can even dance with Halloween costumes.
4. Organize your Halloween reading hour
If your family is into books, reading during the Halloween celebration is the best way to move forward. You can purchase books over the Internet, or check the library for the best books. There are libraries that deliver the books you order during the COVID-19 situation. You can choose books with the horror theme, and the like.
5. Create Halloween treats in the kitchen
Even if you cannot utilize the Halloween treats for trick-or-treating, you can simply make your own in the kitchen, and enjoy them with the whole family. You can even earn money by selling or re-selling them. There are various possibilities, from cookies to pumpkin cakes, to chocolates and so much more. Whichever you decide, your children will learn a lot of cooking and baking skills while doing this. The best thing is to have fun.
6. Camp out in your backyard
Fortunately, the Halloween is also a holiday in many locations. Those who are working in the office can take their day and time off during the Halloween get-together. Maximize this and organize a camp out with the family in your backyard. Catch the moon, or the blue moon that at times are happening in the Halloween season. Set up a tent, grill barbecues, go for storytelling, and so much more.
7. Call your friends or distant relatives for a Halloween-themed video call
Video calls are very popular nowadays, especially in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic when people are literally locked down in the house, and cannot go out like how they used to. Organize video calls with your friends, neighbors, childhood friends and family members via Zoom, FaceTime, Google Hangouts or Skype virtually. Dress up in costumes, play games, and catch up with one another. There are even video calls that involve you and the person you are communicating with in a workout training or yoga routine.
8. Conduct a virtual pumpkin carving or painting contest
During the Halloween celebrations, pumpkin carving and painting contests are popular. Organizers will gather their attendees in their homes or a venue for these events. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has enabled it impossible for these contests to be held like how they are before. On the other hand, you can instead conduct your contests virtually. Use the video call platforms enumerated previously.
9. Gather kids together for a quarantine scavenger hunt
Children love treasure hunting. The best way to organize these safely is by conducting this instead indoors and without going into distant places.
10. Order delivered food for the Halloween
Whether these are about pizza, pasta, or chicken wings, food adventures during the Halloween occasion have never been this unique. Food delivery platforms are popular, and they even give away perks and discounts.
Pulling off the Halloween festivity you imagine may be tougher in time of the pandemic, but very possible with these ideas during the COVID-19 pandemic.