The Best Way To Learn Tabs On Guitar

There are two ways of learning to play the guitar. The traditional method involves reading music and scales. This method takes a long process that is very intensive. Tablature is an alternative that players simply read music.

Guitar tabs will allow you to learn how to position your finger to play notes. However, you will not produce any rhythm. prepared a much easier way of earning the guitar compared to the traditional method.

A guide on how to read guitar tabs

The guitar usually has six strings, and a tab is normally written using horizontal lines. First, before you begin, learn all the parts of your guitar, then this will help better understand how to use it. When you begin playing, you will experience a lot of pain at your fingertips, but it will pass.

Start practicing slowly, and each day you will see the progress you will make. When you are reading the tabs, start from left to right. All single notes will be represented by a number on a string. Once you get the technique of playing, all you will need is practice.

Guitar tabs – some other symbols

When you are reading guitar tabs, you will come across different symbols and letters. Here are the most widespread symbols you will come across:


If you see a letter ‘H’ propped in between two numbers, then that is called a Hammer-On. You will be required to play while holding both numbers and its very popular amongst solos


Similarly, pull-offs have a ‘P’ between two numbers.


They are represented by a forward slash or a backslash between two numbers. A forward slash will ned you to slide up the neck while the backslash will need you to slide down.


This technique has a ‘B’ in-between numbers. To play it, hold on to one number and push your left-hand finger to bend the string.


Rapidly bending and releasing the bend results into a vibrato.

Muted notes

When you see ‘x’ over a string, it represents a muted note.

Bass Guitar tabs

This guitar barely uses chords. It has four strings and the same tablature to the guitar. The strings get thicker as they go down. They are however thicker than the ones of a guitar. Hence you will require more effort when holding down a string.

The bass guitar is mostly used for rhythm, timing, and groove as it is played alongside a drum. When playing, take your time to use drums as well to hear the full accords. The rhythm is the most important when playing the bass guitar.

Best Apps for Learning How To Read Guitar Tabs

Not all tabs are the same. There are many available online and can be misleading to someone who wants to learn. There are some with wrong notes and can give you the wrong direction. However, the following are apps you should utilize for reading tabs. Ultimate Guitar Tabs, Guitar Tab, Guitar Pro, Guitar Chords and Tabs and Songsterr are beneficial and efficient for tab lovers.