Working From Home

In these last two years during the corona pandemic, more and more employees started or continued working from home.
Since it’s considered high risk, large groups of people getting together are discouraged and employers who still needed the required manpower started to look into other possibilities.
It seems that working from home is now a very common practice instead of a lucky alteration to your job. Although it seems like a “lucky break” having to work from your own house, some consider it to be less unfortunate.

What are the benefits?

Flexible hours are one of these benefits for both employer and employee. Having to work during office hours isn’t everyone’s cup of thee. Some people are more productive during the morning hours while others prefer the graveyard shift. Others prefer to divide their lunchbreaks into segments or choose to skip them entirely. If these working hours allow it, the employer will be much happier as well since he or she will be rewarded with a much more satisfying product.

Choosing when to start working proves to be highly productive

Staff loyalty is greatly improved because the company trusts their employers to be productive while working from a location that can be the cause for many distractions. Think about a child raising employee, a person who enjoys visiting casino sites and likes to place a bet during work, or a woman surrounded by sixty cats in her apartment. These people can not be “monitored” during their working hours and so a mutual feeling of trust and loyalty emerges between the two. The employees tend to show more respect towards their employer and are more determent to do a better job overall.

Health and wellbeing is clearly improving by removing a certain stress element one could endure by working in an office that doesn’t match the employee’s personality. Home is, after all, a less stressful environment that was decorated by the worker himself and by his free choice. The lack of traffic jams, busy public transportation, and loud alarm clocks in the morning, also contribute to a much healthier lifestyle.

Working in an environment of your own choice contributes to a much healthier lifestyle

Financial benefits apply for both parties; the employer and the employee. The person that is working from home spends less money per day in the cafeteria, on transportation, and mandatory clothing such as suits or shoes. The employer sees his financial situation change due to savings on office space, utility bills, office supplies, and other facilities.

Less sick days and holidays are being requested because the staff is generally much happier and energized while working from home. Working outside of the office can feel like a break and creates a feeling of freedom and liberation for most people. This also has a big influence on your immune system and thus results in fewer sick days. The number of requests for holidays or days off is also greatly reduced. By working from home on a relaxing sofa or from your garden or balcony, one generally experiences that the will for a day off is brought to a standstill.

What are the disadvantages?

Working from home is not suited for anyone. Some people prefer having personal interaction with colleagues and staff and miss being among people in general. Also, the structure and routine that an office can offer are being replaced by the more unstructured environment of the home. Some employees miss the direct interaction with their employer. Especially when it comes to dealing with difficult tasks or when dealing with friction among colleagues and staff.

Distractions are one of the main reasons why people prefer working in a secluded office or out of town workspace. Some have children that are unaware of the boundaries set by you when working at home. Others simply do not have the luxury of creating a workspace for themselves. Like the lack of room in a tiny apartment or a very hectic household. A very loud neighborhood or location also does not benefit the person working from home.

Working from home could create more distractions than working from an office

Staff monitorization is a disadvantage as well. This is especially the case from the point of view of the employer who has to trust the employee completely. Work results can easily be monitored but the process of how the work is being done is left in the shade. People that are working from home can be struggling to complete their assignments and no immediate assistance can be lent to those who need it. This can be helped by organizing Skype meetings or by other ways of communication, but looking over one’s shoulder or stepping in for a small chat or checkup is ruled out when someone is working from home.

Burnouts can not only occur at the office or workspace. They also happen to people working from home. Especially when someone can not distinguish the difference between the hours at the office and the hours they put into work at home. By not physically closing the door behind them at their workspace, they could be the victim of taking their work to bed or to the dinner table. By not taking the mandatory break times during work or by missing out on the silent time in the car on the way back home, employees that work from home could be faced with stress, and eventually, with a potential burnout.

Not being able to close the door and leave work behind you, can cause a burnout

Staff development is a lot more difficult when employees are not physically present at the office or workspace. Developments such as upgrades in the computer program, the latest news regarding the competition manufacturers, or additional training, is a lot more difficult to accomplish. Of course, this could be shared via Skype or even phone calls, but it is incredibly time-consuming to address all employees personally and the factor of communal events and courses is being eliminated.